Aqua Fuel Techonology
To overcome the problem of excessive smoke emission and NOx from the combustion of Residual Heavy and Blended Fuel Oils in Boilers and Engines, it is recommended to emulsify the Fuel Oil and Water and burn the same in Boilers and Engines. Aqua Fuel is a stable emulsion of Fuel Oil + water + Additive consisting of organic components.
Normally the quantity of water used in Aqua Fuel is 5-10%. After emulsification, the size of water droplets is in the range of 2-10 microns.
The Aqua Fuel is injected into the combustion chamber by the normal burners and injectors. However, during combustion the small water droplets- after turning into steam-create secondary explosion of Aqua Fuel droplets. This action results in following advantages.
- Complete combustion of the fuel oil
- Reduction in particulate matter, CO and NOx
- Reduction in Excess Air
- Reduction in soot blowing
- Reduction in Exhaust Gas temperature
- Reduction in fuel saving